#0 Design your life serie – Intro

Dear Reader,

Today I want to introduce you to the new serie I prepared for you!

I named this serie “Design your life”. It will mainly focus on the daily small financial decisions we have to take and how they can have a big impact on our financial health. The aim of this serie is to provide you with top notch practical advices and help you to set up both, a healthy and financially friendly environment.

For the purpose of this serie, I will share with you my personal experiences and give you insights on how to optimize your finances and advance on your financial path.

I will take on very practical aspects of the daily life such as banking account, brokerage account, internet connection, health insurance, cars, housing, grocery shopping and so on.

Basically, this serie can be sum up like this: Me doing the research and you getting blogposts full of good deals 😉! It seems quite fair to me!

You will be surprised how small easy changes can foster our quest of financial independence!

Make sure to subscribe to my newsletter so you can get all future blogposts right in your mailbox!

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