Big decision – This blog goes French

Hi dear Reader,

After thinking a while to the future of this blog, I came to the conclusion that I should publish new content in French and this for two reasons:

Blogging is a time consuming hobby

Blogging is a time consuming activity and since my work is pretty time consuming as well, I struggle to publish new content regularly. Writing in english is a great exercise for me and foster my understanding of this language, but it is at the same time pretty tiring and I would prefer to publish more content in the coming months. It will definitely be easier for me to write in French and elaborate complex ideas in a easier way.

Getting closer to my audience

Internet is full of english speaking bloggers, I think it is time for the French speaking community to rise in the Personal Finance blogosphere. Moreover, since most of my friends are French speakers, I would like them to read me almost effortless. Even though most of them studied, understanding financial concepts in English might be more difficult. I also think that blogging in English for a Swiss audience is kind of excluding the people who didn’t have the chance to make it to the university. I do believe that by expressing my ideas in French, I will be able to express my ideas more clearly and provide useful information to all social layer. In the end, the people who need the most financial advice are probably the ones who are the least educated.

I hope that you will understand the rationale behind this decision and accept that I close this English chapter and start a new one in French :).

See you soon for new content!


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