Hello Internet – Mr RTF

Dear Reader,

Welcome to RoadToFIRE, my new blog about Financial Independence, Early Retirement and Personal Finance (FIRE community)! My name is Mr RTF and I am pleased to have you here on this page! You probably have some questions, let me answer them.

What will this blog be about?

This blog will essentially describe my journey towards financial independence from Day 1, my mistakes and my experiences. You will get a monthly update of my Net Worth as well as my income and expenses, some great lifehacks and tons of cool stuff I still have to figure out!

Who the hell are you?

Let me introduce myself, I am Mr RTF. I just finished college and today is my first day at my new job, here are a few facts about me:


Age: 25

Job: Consultant

Blogosphere: newbie

Financial awareness: advanced

Eager to learn: level over 1000

Dancing skills: 404 not found error

Net Worth: don’t be pushy, wait until the first Net Worth report 😉

Why are you blogging?

I have a few goals that I want to achieve with this blog, but the main purpose of this blog is to enjoy my journey towards financial independence with you. Here is the list of my motivations, which led me to start writing this blog:

Accountability: From a psychological point of view this blog will be an excellent tool to help me stay motivated, the social engagement I take will make me feel accountable to my audience and willing to put words into actions.

Improve my English: English is not my mother tongue and blogging is a great way to practice. I apologize in advance for all natives reading these lines while throwing up because of my style, but as time will pass and posts fly, I will better my writing skills.

Develop my creativity: I fear that my work as a consultant will not fulfill my need for creative activities. Researching, experimenting and writing should fill this gap in my life.

Share ideas and exchange with others: I would love to find some like-minded people to exchange with, be challenged by readers or simply discover new ideas from other people.

See, I don’t even know you but you are already helping me 😃

In what are you different from other FIRE bloggers?

Well dear Reader, your skepticism is fully understandable, there are plenty of FIRE seeker out there and I have to prove my legitimacy to you.

First, I am not the millionaire guy who retired at the age of 35 and who is amazingly successful. I am only a guy starting to work today and taking the first step on the road to financial independence. I think I have 6 characteristics that make me unique in the FIRE blogosphere:

  1. I am one of the few European blogger, and one of the even fewer Swiss blogger.
  2. I have a very personal understanding of the word “financial independence”. I don’t solely consider the FI journey as a set of financial rules or guidelines but more as a lifestyle and a way of thinking.
  3. From day 1. I am not popping out of nowhere with 200K of net worth. You will see all my numbers from day 1 until I reach FI.
  4. My unique sense of humor. You will be able to picture that in my next posts 😉
  5. Total transparency! I see a lot of bloggers out there picturing themselves as epic winners, having the best numbers or methods, etc… but not sharing all the information. I am not an epic winner, but I will share everything with you; all my numbers, all my advices and lifehacks, and of course all my mistakes. I won’t hide anything from you and I will keep my word!


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